500 Gram Multishots

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10s Vertical 2 inch (Chry Crackle Shells, no whistle)(same as last three shots of DM574)
10s Vertical 2 inch (Red/White/Blue Peony Shells, no whistle)
10s Vertical 2 inch Shells - Red, White, Blue
10s Vertical 2 inch shells Brocade / Red Pistil
10s Vertical 2 inch Shells red strobe
10s Vertical 2 inch Shells white strobe
12s Rings
12s Vertical  2 inch Color Wave Shells
25 shot instant crackle fan
25 Shot Serpents to Whistles
25s Fan - 5 Point Silver Comet Cake
25s Fan - color falling leaves waterfall
25s Fan - Color tipped serpents
25s Fan - Serpent to color strobe shells
25s Fan - Silver strobe waterfall
25s Fan - Silver Whirling Chry. effect
25s Fan Blue mines to comets to shells
25s Fan Crackle mines to comets to shells
25s Fast zipper fan of bright silver comets
30 shots vertical silver scrambling comets
60s Fan Rapid Gold Comets
Brocade to Blue Mine
Scrambling Comets 100 Shots